July 28, 2005
Here Comes the Sun

Slashdot linked up this nifty solar-powered lighting device that could be coming soon to an office near you. And when I say solar powered, I'm not talking about a panel providing electricity. The system uses fiber optics to transmit actual sunlight into a building, although some models are planned to include electric lights to supplement the natural light.

Office lighting has never made much of a difference either way to me, but there are probably half a dozen folks with interior (non-window) offices here who go to great lengths to create a more "natural" light in their workspace. Usually the effect is pretty cave-like, so there might actually be a very large market for this sort of device.

Posted by scott at July 28, 2005 09:07 AM

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All this will do is cause the electricity companies to create a large paddle-like device that'll block the sun coming in to any town, thusly rendering the device useless.

Posted by: ronaprhys on July 28, 2005 09:30 AM
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