June 06, 2005
On This [Longest] Day II

Jeff and Pat share a no-prize for reminding us that today is the 51st anniversary of D-day. Weirdly, nobody has been able to provide a link to a US news source noting this fact. Google news's top return is this Indian Express article, which isn't even about the event in question. Then again, considering this is the fiftieth anniversary of events that ended the war, there might be a bit of overshadowing going on. Still, don't forget to raise a glass!

Posted by scott at June 06, 2005 02:20 PM

eMail this entry!

Not to nitpick, but it is actually the 61st anniversary of D-Day, and 60th for the end of the war events.

Posted by: John on June 7, 2005 02:05 AM

Gah. Never post with low blood sugar.

This time-warp brought to you by... a missed meal!

Posted by: scott on June 7, 2005 06:58 AM
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