April 05, 2005
Go Colorado!

Left lane banditry is now officially illegal in Colorado:

Colorado is serious about its no-dawdling law in left lanes. Drivers who insist on staying in the passing lane are risking tickets as the State Patrol has begun enforcing a law requiring motorists to use the left lane for passing only.

LLB's are not that much of a problem around here. There are too many lemmings on the road for there to really be any hope of a passing lane. Our problem, mentioned previously, is tailgaters. If we could figure out how to fine each tailgater $50 per incident, northern Virginia would have no problem with its transportation budget. We'd probably end up loaning the federal government money.

Don't believe me? The six-car pileup on the eastbound toll road, on a clear cloudless morning against the commute, would seem to prove you wrong.

Posted by scott at April 05, 2005 08:37 AM

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