February 02, 2005
"Flaking" History

Ron gets a stone-chipped no-prize for bringing us this Discovery On-Line article about recent hominid finds in Britain:

A recent excavation of 400,000-year-old stone tools in Britain suggests that two groups of early humans could have competed with each other for food and turf.

They can tell this because two distinct kinds of tools have now been found in Britain from around this time period. One is the well-known Acheulean stone axe culture most commonly associated with Neandertals, while the other is a (to me at least) more obscure Clactonian culture. It's possible these may even represent completely different species of human, which would be ground-breaking news for Britain, which current theory holds was never occupied by more than a single species at any one time.

Posted by scott at February 02, 2005 08:52 AM

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