November 27, 2004
It's the Economy, etc.

Instapundit has this reasonably moderate roundup of economic news, which includes something we'll shamelessly double-qoute:

Then there's global growth, which as David Brooks notes is quite rapid: "Some rich countries, like the U.S. and Japan, are doing well, but the developing world is leading this economic surge. . . . As even the cautious folks at the World Bank note, all developing regions are growing faster this decade than they did in the 1980's and 90's. . . . we're in the 11th month of the most prosperous year in human history." (emphasis added)

One of the most telling surveys the "lefty-just-cos-we're-brighter-than-you" Slashdot ever did was "are you better off now than you were four years ago?" The answer, overwhelmingly, was "damned right I am, but the government didn't have anything to do with it."

The funniest part was, they never realized that was the point.

Posted by scott at November 27, 2004 05:33 PM

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