November 05, 2004

Ron gets a springy no-prize for bringing us instructions on how to make a sword, cheap. In a nutshell: get a leaf spring, pound the crap out of it until it's straight, then grind on it for a few days. Presto! A sword blade made of the finest industrial steel, formulated specifically for hard, flexible work.

I happen to know of a certain brother who has a car with leaf springs that's not doing much at the moment... now, to get a grinder...

Update: Actually, the entire site is pretty nifty, in an "SCA-armor-made-out-of-road-signs" sort of way.

Posted by scott at November 05, 2004 08:17 AM

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Maybe my bullsh*t detector is set too sensitive, but that site sets off all the alarms. A conspiracy among professional armorers to change history to make it look like steel was always heat-treated instead of force-treated? Suuuuure.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on November 5, 2004 09:56 PM

WHen my dad was stationed in the Philipines, he told me they did lots of swords that way, for the tourist market...

Posted by: greeblie on November 6, 2004 12:08 PM

actually, i think they used a combination of both - just depends on which era and continent you were in

Posted by: Ron on November 6, 2004 12:24 PM
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