October 21, 2004
"Frames" of Reference

Making the rounds today: Scientists claim to have proven one of the smaller effects predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity. By carefully measuring the movement of two satellites over an 11-year period, Ignazio Ciufolini of the University of Lecce in Italy and Erricos Pavlis of the University of Maryland in Baltimore County confirmed to within a claimed 1% of error the effect called "frame dragging". Essentially, this effect is caused by large celestial masses "dragging" space-time along as they rotate. While the effect should cause noticeable weirdness around supermassive objects like neutron stars and black holes, the Earth's mass is so comparatively small that the effect is extremely difficult to detect. It's hoped that an upcoming NASA space probe specifically designed to study the effect will provide much more accurate data.

Posted by scott at October 21, 2004 03:09 PM

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