October 08, 2004
Well, at Least Now I Know Why I Want to Strangle Them

To me at least, there's very little more annoying than someone nearby yammering on a cellphone. Gets under my skin and just screams "I'm an inconsiderate, rude shmuck." But I wasn't completely sure why I felt that way, until now:

You might imagine that it's simply a question of being riled by loud voices spouting inane drivel about people we've never heard of. But that's not the whole story, say Andrew Monk and his colleagues at the University of York, UK.

We also feel an innate need to listen when we can only hear one side of a conversation, the researchers say. Even if it's no louder than a regular two-way exchange, the fact that we can only hear half means that we instinctively tune in, almost as if we're expecting to join in to complete the conversation.

Unfortunately they don't include the really useful information, like how to cook up a cell jammer or an EMP gun that'll just fry the thing outright. No, can't do that, illegal and all that stuff. Stupid terrorists, ruining everyone else's fun.

I guess it's all for the best, really. I mean, if people were able to fry cell phones at will, Amber might lose hers without even knowing about it. Which could lead to, you know, unfortunate consequences if she were to lock herself inside her car or something.

Posted by scott at October 08, 2004 02:17 PM

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Let me first preface my remarks by saying that I'm an avid cell phone user. I regularly hit in the neighborhood of 1600 minutes a month (it's a work phone and all, but I do get personal use for free on it). And I must say, I'm damn annoyed by the loud talkers myself - or the folks using it in the theatre, while having someone wait on them at a counter, etc. I try very hard to not be 'that guy'. Sometimes I am, but if I need to be, I move very quickly to an open space where I'm not surrounded by people.

As for an EMP device that'd fry a phone, that should be easy to create. Just need a decent capacitor to hold a charge and some shielding so you don't fry your own equipment (electronic and 'personal'). However, a jammer would be even more fun. That shouldn't need anything - maybe just a signal generator that white noises everything - or repeats the local signals back in cosine to their sine - thusly cancelling them as soon as they connect.

Let's get cracking!

Posted by: ron on October 8, 2004 05:29 PM
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