June 10, 2004
Out! Out Damned Spam!

Mahmood has been getting a new sort of spam on his blog, and unlike many weblogs instead of tearing his shirt and bleating about how unfair it all is, he's done something about it:

There are things that you can do to stop these asswipes from filling in your referer logs. Here's some information which might help you if you are a webmaster, it is painful and time-consuming, but it is worth it.

I haven't noticed us getting this sort of spam, but it may just be I haven't known to look for it. Regardless, decided we'd be pro-active (for once) and just implement it anyway. A lot of people think this is all such a pain they give up on the whole idea of comments or even blogging. Me, I think it's just part of the price you pay for your hobby.

Posted by scott at June 10, 2004 01:25 PM

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