October 23, 2003
Fish Fly Rice?

BBCnews has three good articles worth a look:

An update on a 10-year fish census that's turned up hundreds of new and spectaularly ugly species. With, of course, pictures.

Branson and Fossett are at it again, this time constructing a plane Fossett will use to fly solo around the world without refueling. Voyager took 9 days to do the job. This new aircraft, called the GlobalFlyer, should complete the same voyage in just over 3.

And finally, an example of the oldest known domesticated rice has been found. A collection of 15,000 year old burned rice grains found in Korea recently push back the time of domestication 3,000 years, and move it out of China (for now).


Posted by scott at October 23, 2003 12:18 PM

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