August 15, 2003
Real Porn

An older article, yes, but one still quite interesting: A Rough Trade is yet another (British, this time) look inside the porn industry. Blue language, but no pictures to get you in trouble.

I often wonder what I would do if my kid came up to me at 18 (or 21, or whenever) and said, "Daddy, I'm going to work in porn." I've researched the industry a lot. I'm not in it, but I know from reports what it's like to be in it. After explaining just how unpleasant the back-office of that lifestyle purports to be, I'd like to think I'd be able to recognize that 1) she's an adult, and I can't just say "no", and 2) I should support her no matter what. I've never, ever understood parents who simply hack their kids out of their lives just because, as adults, they've made decisions the parents don't agree with, even if they're dumb ones.

But I'm also honest enough to know that at this point I really don't have any idea how I'd react.

Before 18? Well, that's a different story. I don't think there'd be a hole deep enough to toss whatever human garbage was getting my kid involved in such things.

Posted by scott at August 15, 2003 10:18 AM

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The proper terms are my "child, daughter, little girl" A kid is a baby goat.

Posted by: Pat on August 15, 2003 11:26 AM

BAAAAAA!!!!!! :)

Posted by: Ellen on August 15, 2003 05:53 PM
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