August 05, 2003
The Quick and the Dead

Jeff gets a salvaged no-prize for bringing us this story about the stuff slowly being revealed by the receding waters of the Danube:

Europe's worst drought in years has pushed the mighty river Danube to its lowest level in more than a century, revealing German warships sunk to slow advancing Soviet forces in World War II.

This sort of thing happened periodically along the nearby Arkansas and Mississippi rivers while I was growing up. I'd say once ever five to seven years or so you'd get pictures and stories in the local papers about old paddle-wheel steamers slowly rising from the waves. Even weirder was when the big reservoirs in northwest Arkansas and southeast Missouri (where I went to college) would get drawn down... entire small towns flooded decades ago would slowly reappear like mud-encrusted ghosts. Can you say "Deliverance"? I knew you you could...

Posted by scott at August 05, 2003 08:39 AM

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