July 13, 2003
Baby Ink Tattoo

We know where we will be taking Olivia for her first inking!

Posted by Ellen at July 13, 2003 04:21 PM

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Ok, I have alot of tatoos. and I have no problem with teenagers getting tatoos. But what sick person would hold down a little child and FORCE them to get marked??? This is abuse. plain and simple. I dare anyone to say something about me swatting my child on the ass for misbehaving. Maybe I should just get an outline of my hand on her ass as a reminder.

Posted by: Lisa on July 13, 2003 08:21 PM

Ok, I have alot of tatoos. and I have no problem with teenagers getting tatoos. But what sick person would hold down a little child and FORCE them to get marked??? This is abuse. plain and simple. I dare anyone to say something about me swatting my child on the ass for misbehaving. Maybe I should just get an outline of my hand on her ass as a reminder.

Posted by: Lisa on July 13, 2003 08:22 PM

Ok, I have alot of tatoos. and I have no problem with teenagers getting tatoos. But what sick person would hold down a little child and FORCE them to get marked??? This is abuse. plain and simple. I dare anyone to say something about me swatting my child on the ass for misbehaving. Maybe I should just get an outline of my hand on her ass as a reminder.

Posted by: Lisa on July 13, 2003 08:22 PM
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