June 04, 2003
That's What Ya Calls a "Comprehensive Meltdown"

Jeff gets an oil-soaked no-prize for bringing this gear-head message thread to our attention. An edited version of the introduction:

A couple of weeks ago, I was cruisin with my friend on a Sunday in his RSX-S. Well, he decides to drop the hammer and show me what his car has. He started redlining every gear ... for whatever reason, he decides to downshift into 4th... So, instead of shifting to 4th, he accidentally shifted into 2nd gear right around 7k RPMs. All of a sudden, we hear a "boom" ... We jump out of the car to realize his motor was on fire. Needless to say, we put the fire out before the fire truck came, and got a friend to pull us back home.

Let's all have a moment of silence for a car what got done wrong to.

Posted by scott at June 04, 2003 04:00 PM

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