July 31, 2002
Naked Writing & Etc.

Found nakedwriting.com from the review place that gave us a really good review. It's kind of a mix of Catholic-baiting (which Ellen should like), Bush-zapping (which Maru, mom & Jeff should like), and evolution-explaining (which I like). Jodyw1 seems to be a secular-humanist AIDS activist, with an unusual fascination with Lance Bass. Be sure to check him out! :)

(It didn't hurt he said nice things about us, but he could comment here once in awhile)

Jimspot also moved us to "must read", which I guess means we're doing something right. I check his site out every day too, if for no other reason than he has good taste in blogs and I've found a few regular reads over there.

Thanks guys! And thanks also to all of our other regular readers. Without you guys this whole thing wouldn't be worth doing!

Posted by scott at July 31, 2002 07:04 PM

eMail this entry!

It's not just Catholics....

Posted by: Jody on August 1, 2002 01:49 AM

You're welcome. I enjoy reading your site every day and found that I was searching for the link too often, so I just moved you up the evolutionary scale.

Posted by: Jim S on August 1, 2002 10:11 AM
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