July 25, 2002
What a Bike!

Of course its the weekend, and I have a special set of groupies that LOOOVE to look at XXX on the weekend. :)

How bout a bike like this ladies!???

Posted by Ellen at July 25, 2002 06:08 PM

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Now that's a workout I wouldn't mind so much. It would be much better though, if it came from a living being and not just a hunka plastic. Hmm......

Posted by: melbernympho on July 26, 2002 12:49 AM

Hey, I loved this one, I have a friend that I ride with sometime, HD (harley davidson) not a bike, maybe we could rig up something like this on his bike???? There are always possibilities.(smile) Rhonda

Posted by: Rhonda on August 9, 2002 04:58 AM
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