March 22, 2002
Bred For It

One of the things that infuriates me more than anything else is racism. This is one of the last vestiges of our chimpanzee past, and it seems to hang on the longest. I'm more elitist than I am racist... I hate stupid people far, far more than I've ever even mildly disliked someone who happened to be darker than me, have different shaped eyes than me, or got circumcised by a rabbi instead of a doctor. It's stupid people that cause problems, not blacks, asians, jews, arabs, or any other group of people that look different than you do. Jerk knows no color people, learn it and get over it.

One example of how stupid this is comes from sports. A staggeringly large number of what would otherwise seem like intelligent people believe the reason black people are good at basketball is that they were somehow bred for athletics while their ancestors were slaves. This is such a patently ridiculous and breathtakingly ignorant claim that, as with the fundie's belief that the world is only 3,500 years old, it's surprisingly difficult to argue against at first. Here's how you do it:

Russians dominate professional hockey. This is of course because they were bred for it.

Sounds pretty stupid, yes? Want to know why Russians dominate hockey? I've never skated in my life, but I imagine that if I was learning to skate before I was learning to walk, playing a sport 4 to 8 hours a day seven days a week for twelve or fifteen years, and growing up surrounded by people that'd been practicing that much for two or three decades, I'd get pretty goddamned good at hockey. And when you add the cultural incentives of moving out of desperate poverty and crime and moving into millions of dollars and a life of luxury playing a game, it all comes together in a hurry. Because Russians don't dominate hockey. Anyone that has lots of natural athletic ability and the dedication to spend most of the first twenty years of their life learning and practicing hockey dominates the sport. There just happen to be more Russians doing this than, say, Trobriand Islanders.

It works that way everywhere, and with every sport. South Americans and Europeans seem to be born with either a steering wheel or a soccer (foot)ball in their hands, so it's no surprise that they are a force to be reckoned with in F-1 racing and soccer (football). The infrastructure in rural parts of savannah Africa are so poor, and the countryside so dangerous, that you have to run to get anywhere and like going without water for days at a time. So it should be no surprise that Kenyans and other Africans dominate long-distance running. It's common in some Asian countries to teach boys as young as three the beginnings of martial arts, so it shouldn't amaze anyone that they are always in the top rungs of the sports they're based on. Were all these people bred for all these sports? Are you really that stupid?

It's also moronic to think that 250 years of at best spotty attempts at eugenics on a certain segment of dark-skinned humans would have any affect at all on the two-and-a-half million year evolution of the species as a whole. And people that are so stupid as to think such a program might actually work are always too stupid to actually pull it off.

I don't expect to change anybody's mind. All of us got here because our ancient (2.5 million-years-ago) ancestors killed off any of the other strange tribes that got in their way. Hate is deeply ingrained within the chimpanzee that lives inside us all. We're good at it. I've heard some of this ridiculous crap come out of the mouths of preachers and scientists, people that are supposed to be trained to know better.

But I'd like to think that at least one person out there is going to read this and at least think before they say this kind of moronic crap out loud to anyone else. It might be me that's listening, and I have to deal with enough stupid people in my life.

Posted by scott at March 22, 2002 12:18 PM

eMail this entry!

You are never, never going to change the minds of people who think these thoughts. But you write very interesting articles and give a lot of insight from a position I have never even considered.
Maybe we need DNA testing to be sure you are my son, Nah you look too much like your dad. LOL

Posted by: Pat on March 22, 2002 03:32 PM

You missed the point of the argument that blacks were bred to perform better as athletes. There is no basketball gene or hockey gene like you seem to claim, but people can be bred to be more physically fit and better athletes, as black likely were during the slavery era. Its not a racist idea, its just a part of the history of our country.

Posted by: insomnia on April 21, 2005 06:10 PM

By the way, you said "stupid" about 50 times in you incoherent essay, but the way in which you have managed to confuse genetics with skill acquisition and selective breeding with natural selection is completely stupid. Read a textbook on genetics before you post this kind of garbage, you moron.

Posted by: insomnia on April 21, 2005 06:20 PM

Nice racist comment you ass. Next time be smart enough to leave an email instead of being smart with STFU.

Posted by: ellen on April 21, 2005 07:11 PM

Why is it racist? Blacks were slaves. Fact Slaveowners treated blacks badly. Fact. Slaveowners selective bred their slaves so they would be worth more. Contreversial, but also a fact. You probably have been brainwashed by all this PC nonsense that makes the topic of race itself taboo in our hypersensitive society. Heres a link that reviews a much sounder argument than the one posted here: Also, if you had something to e mail me, just say it here.

Posted by: insomnia on April 21, 2005 08:03 PM

As always, a lack of critical thinking prevents the requisite reading of the essay. To wit:

"It's also moronic to think that 250 years of at best spotty attempts at eugenics on a certain segment of dark-skinned humans would have any affect at all on the two-and-a-half million year evolution of the species as a whole."

And anyone who thinks the owners of this website are slaves to PC groupthink has obviously not read very much of this website. We've lost friends because we say what we think, and I regularly curl the toes of family members over things I've written here. I'm surprised my mom still speaks to me sometimes.

As to the article you reference, it emphasises genetics over behavior. Again, from my own essay:

"Want to know why Russians dominate hockey? I've never skated in my life, but I imagine that if I was learning to skate before I was learning to walk, playing a sport 4 to 8 hours a day seven days a week for twelve or fifteen years, and growing up surrounded by people that'd been practicing that much for two or three decades, I'd get pretty goddamned good at hockey."

Only academics who jog as a hobby would discount 15 years of hard-knock practice in a world where physical prowess matters and instead attribute it to simple genetics. "There's no way they could get where they are through hard work. They cheated. They've got genetics on their side. Genetics we gave them."

Please. The only difference between this guy and Daniel Carver is he happens to be slightly more clever with his straw men.

Oh, and be sure to tell Marx hi for me. Even after sixty years of abject failure, I find it depressing but not surprising his theories hold such power over weak minded fools.

Posted by: scott on April 21, 2005 08:30 PM

It seems a bit paradoxical to talk of straw men and then go on to equate my argument with those of Daniel Carver and Karl Marx. Practice matters, but you seem to overlook the fact that a majority of people, no matter how hard they try or how long they practice, will ever be capable of dunking a basketball from the free throw line or running in the olympics. Thats where genetics come in, and thats where most non-academics seem to get really confused. How do you explain the probablities of some of these events happening given there is no difference in the population? To say those results are statistically significant is an understatement. Whatever the cause, you PC hippies should at least acknowledge the fact that there is a difference instead of walking around in denial.

Posted by: daniel carver on April 22, 2005 04:15 PM

To insomnia - hate to tell you this, but as someone with a BS in Genetics, it takes controlled breeding and many generations to get desirable traits in any species. The more complicated the species the more difficult it is to get desired traits. Why? Because (especially at the time of slave ownership) we simply don't know what alleles to breed for or who has them. Most folks confuse phenotype with genotype. However, it is entirely possible to have specimans with almost identical phenotypes that have different genotypes. Thusly, you start breeding that way and you fail. On top of that, the effects may not be additive - just because you breed to strong individuals doesn't necessarily mean you'll get strong offspring.

Now, before you get all happy and try to bring some examples from animal husbandry in here to show that people had been doing just what I'm talking about for years, realize that people had been failing for centuries prior to winnowing down the gene pool to select traits.

Thusly, my suggestion to you is do your own reading of a genetics textbook prior to trying to use the science as support for your invalid arguments.

Posted by: ronaprhys on April 22, 2005 04:57 PM

Thank you for that junior biologist explanation of phenotypes and alleles, but I think you missed the point of this discussion. First off, to suggest that selective breeding for physical traits is impossible because we dont know what the genotype is is completely naive because we never know the complete genotype of an individual or animal, we can only guess based on phenotype. Second, Im not suggesting blacks are some kind of superspecies, because theyre not, Im only saying that a very small population of American blacks may have gained some kind of advantage as a result of slavery. Changing the gene frequencies of an entire species or race is difficult, but changing the gene frequencies of a small subset of blacks via selective breeding over several centuries is not. In the years following slavery these altered gene frequencies may have produced a small subset of blacks with exceptional athletic ability. It is those select few individuals that may be the ones dominating the NBA, NFL, and olympic running sports.

Posted by: insomnia on April 22, 2005 11:13 PM

Thank you for that junior biologist explanation of phenotypes and alleles, but I think you missed the point of this discussion. First off, to suggest that selective breeding for physical traits is impossible because we dont know what the genotype is is completely naive because we never know the complete genotype of an individual or animal, we can only guess based on phenotype. Second, Im not suggesting blacks are some kind of superspecies, because theyre not, Im only saying that a very small population of American blacks may have gained some kind of advantage as a result of slavery. Changing the gene frequencies of an entire species or race is difficult, but changing the gene frequencies of a small subset of blacks via selective breeding over several centuries is not. In the years following slavery these altered gene frequencies may have produced a small subset of blacks with exceptional athletic ability. It is those select few individuals that may be the ones dominating the NBA, NFL, and olympic running sports.

Posted by: insomnia on April 22, 2005 11:14 PM

Thank you for that junior biologist explanation of phenotypes and alleles, but I think you missed the point of this discussion. First off, to suggest that selective breeding for physical traits is impossible because we dont know what the genotype is is completely naive because we never know the complete genotype of an individual or animal, we can only guess based on phenotype. Second, Im not suggesting blacks are some kind of superspecies, because theyre not, Im only saying that a very small population of American blacks may have gained some kind of advantage as a result of slavery. Changing the gene frequencies of an entire species or race is difficult, but changing the gene frequencies of a small subset of blacks via selective breeding over several centuries is not. In the years following slavery these altered gene frequencies may have produced a small subset of blacks with exceptional athletic ability. It is those select few individuals that may be the ones dominating the NBA, NFL, and olympic running sports.

Posted by: insomnia on April 22, 2005 11:17 PM
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