June 14, 2010
A More Apt Description of Progressive Attitudes I Have Yet to Find

Victor Davis Hanson is on a roll. A few of the choicer bits:

Crises, then, originate because of miscommunication and being not nice, not out of fundamental differences in belief about the way nations organize the economy, politics, or social and cultural life. Diplomacy and good intentions, not deterrence and military preparation, persuade bad actors to behave. Excuse me! — there are no bad actors, just misunderstood ones who have translated their understandable post-imperial, post-colonial grievances into anti-Americanism. They need to be contextualized rather than confronted.


The perverse was always preferred to the logical: so a Mao was better than a Churchill, Lincoln was faulted for not possessing 1999-era academic sensitivity, and FDR not WWII saved the economy from further depression. Versailles explains Hitler rather than his own insane hatreds. The Soviet and Chinese nightmares were problematic and based on misunderstandings of Marx rather than natural conclusions from him. The real fear after 9/11 is backlash, not more terrorism. The non-Christian nihilist Timothy McVeigh or the Columbine Satanists are proof of widespread Christian terrorism; the last 50 aborted Islamic terrorist plots are aberrations.

People who think this is an exaggeration are not paying attention. Why I'm surprised by this, I don't know. We've got the government to prove it!

For now...

Posted by scott at June 14, 2010 07:22 AM

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While Kevin maybe speechless to comment I am not. I am seeing this country more divided than I ever did under the Bush administration is seems that the center right has found its voice. As we all know the political elite in our country have no desire to listen to these voices. Well I think they are in for a shock in a few months. We will see a lamer than lame duck president who will only be able to get things passed through executive order. On the other hand give the Republicans just a few years and they will be just as bad. Even though the repubs tend to not damage the economy as bad.

Also our warfighters are feeling the pinch I know this for a fact from one I am very close to. "I am getting tired of the B.S." That is very telling from a first tour Lt.

If our current administration were my employees I would have fired them before their probation period was up. Hey there is an idea a 90 probation period for politicians....Anyway if not that a 2 term limit on everyone hold public office would be a nice thing to see but that will not happen as long as people hunger power.

Posted by: rick on June 14, 2010 05:42 PM
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