April 01, 2010
Unintended Menu Consequences

Ok, let's, for the sake of argument, accept that big business is in fact evil, that it is populated with human-shaped monsters who, when they're not gassing thousands of innocent brown people in countries far away, beaver away at cheating and stealing and lying to get our money. So, if I accept this particular sacred cow, one that's been standing on the left side of the peanut gallery so long Hindus trying free it are a genuine nuisance, what I really want to know is why do you people consistently compose, and then passionately support, legislation which always empowers big business? I mean, really. It's quite confusing.

Posted by scott at April 01, 2010 02:54 PM

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It's a matter of supporting the RIGHT big business. Corporations that support their workers in their efforts to better themselves and the world they live in, that provide goals and an actual sense of accomplishment by withholding promotions for all but the truly deserving, are Enemy Number One to the left wing. Corporations that treat their workers as farm animals who can never hope to improve, openly pitied but covertly mocked, and demanding they prove loyalty rather than skill before they receive any favors, are the leftist ideal.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on April 1, 2010 09:48 PM

Ugh. That last sentence was hideous. Some people get tired as they age, others get forgetful... apparently I'm becoming steadily more abusive of pronouns. Pretty soon I'll be posting, "Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" without even a clue why everyone else is laughing.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on April 1, 2010 09:59 PM

Look at it this way - small businesses are uncontrollable. There are just too many of them and we don't have enough people out there to bribe, monitor, and legislate the behavior to any large degree. Plus, every time you squeeze them for money, a decent chunk go out of business and that means less tax revenue. As you get a smaller number of mega-corps you can do a better job of controlling their voting habits via unions, letting them get too big to fail, and then nationalizing them.

Of course, this also runs the risk of these mega-corps becoming too big for the government to do that so we'll end up in a dystopian future were you're a slave to your company - but if you get above worker bee status you're treated like a god. The women will also be consistently hot, have hair colors that represent every shade that science can dream up, and be secret crime fighter that, by day, run a lingerie shop, teach aerobics, work for the 5-0, and sing in a band. We'll even get powered suits, too.

So maybe there are positives for both views?

Posted by: ronaprhys on April 2, 2010 06:42 AM
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