May 19, 2009
Dead but not Gone

Artificial Owl seems to be a website dedicated to pictures of abandoned things. It's surprising that, even in the modern world, ruins have both power and beauty. Case in point, the SS America, which is the subject of one of the remarkable pictures on the masthead of the Owl site. Sadly, America seems to have been pounded to bits now, and no longer stands sentinel over that lonely bit of beach.

Posted by scott at May 19, 2009 11:34 AM

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The one in the middle of the desert (Eduard Bohlen) looks particularly haunting, if you ask me. The apocalypse-movie fan in me (Road Warrior, etc) sees that as the ultimate movie set area.

If you follow the map link under the pics, it shows just how far inland that thing is.

Posted by: Ron ap Rhys on May 19, 2009 05:04 PM
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