March 09, 2009
Creepy, Yet COOL!

Her husband, a Briton, travels to Lexington every year for the Patriots Day reenactment and has a keen interest in the Revolutionary War. But with three small children who play in the backyard, she's not certain she even wants to know if there are bodies buried somewhere beneath.

And if radar were to discover something, archeologists and historians might come begging to dig down and find out for sure.

"We're not going to have the garden torn up," Ringrose said. "We live out there. That's one of the most peaceful things about this home."

Goldstein and Anderson would welcome an archeological dig at the site, but recognize that homeowners such as Ringrose would have to consent.

My garden grows so well!>
Posted by Ellen at March 09, 2009 07:11 AM

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