February 16, 2009
When Candy Attacks

Ok, I guess I'm now officially old, because not only do I not see the point in Skittle-ifying vodka, I'm actually vaguely offended by the attempt. However, I do actually remember a time when I and my (college-aged) friends would've thought this was cool. It was a long time ago.

The reaction of vodka aficionado Joshua will probably provide an equally useful barometer of his actual age.

Posted by scott at February 16, 2009 03:29 PM

eMail this entry!

Too much work. I remember guys having shots of certain liquors added to their Zimas to make them glow under the black lights. This seems to be just as ghei, with no real pay-off and lots of work.

If you want flavors in your vodka, buy it from the factor with the flavor added. If you want cool drinks, just blend ice, fruit, and vodka (or rum, tequila, or your other spirit of choice). Or use straight juice.

Posted by: ronaprhys on February 16, 2009 03:57 PM

Taste the Rainbow!
Upchuck the Rainbow!

...just in case Skittles ever does brand expansion, that could be their new Skittle-vodka flavor.

(Didn't Homer Simpson do something similar once, but with Skittles and beer? When real life begins to imitate The Simpsons, I get very afraid)

Posted by: fillyjonk on February 17, 2009 09:21 AM
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