August 15, 2008
To Scale

I'm sure lots of other people knew about it, but I definitely didn't understand the ANWR region was about as big as South Carolina. I did, however, know most of it was a barren wasteland frozen solid in the winter and covered in literal fog banks of mosquitoes in the summer. A place only a watermelon could love.

Posted by scott at August 15, 2008 02:38 PM

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That's interesting. Definitely interesting. I've always maintained that adequate environmental controls (nothing too onerous, either) coupled with modern drilling techniques equate to lower and lower impact to the surrounding habitat.

Honestly, it's an easy issue to play with. One side says, "You'll destroy pristine wilderness because you're greedy and won't control any spills." The other says, "why do you hate profit and cheap gas?" Very polarizing and easy to play with when there's cheap gas available.

Not so much when the price of fuel is high. We seem to care about the environment until it impacts our wallet.

Posted by: ronaprhys on August 15, 2008 03:32 PM

We seem to care about the environment until it impacts our wallet.

You said a mouthful there!

Posted by: Mark on August 16, 2008 08:32 PM
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