September 05, 2007

Mike J. gets a no-prize that clucks ominously from the rafters for bringing us news of more cracks forming in Hugo Chavez's "Gansta Socialist Paradise":

The bolivar has tumbled 30 percent this year to 4,850 per dollar on the black market, the only place it trades freely because of government controls on foreign exchange. That compares with the official rate of 2,150 per dollar set in 2005. Chávez may have to devalue the bolivar to reduce the gap and increase oil proceeds, which make up half the government's revenue.

I thought it would take a real drop in the price of oil to hurry Mr. Chavez along to his meeting in the local public square. I didn't get that, if allowed to meddle with a country's economy long enough, progressives would torpedo themselves in spite of the windfalls they were reaping from oil. Silly me. I'd forgotten such is always the result when markets are twisted and trammeled in the name of "equality."

I can only hope, for Venezuela's sake, it happens sooner rather than later.

Posted by scott at September 05, 2007 11:59 AM

eMail this entry!

what namespace is that class in, anyway?

Posted by: mrfred on September 6, 2007 08:55 AM

Same old story.
Back in the days when the various El Caudillos ruled many Latin American countries--often with US backing--whatever enormous mineral or agricultural wealth was reaped went into the coffers of a very small elite...instead of investing that wealth--even a small part of it--into the infrastructure and education needed to pull the country as a whole out of its morass.
Sure, it's all dressed up as Socialism now, but the effect is the same.

Nothing new under the sun.

Posted by: Mark on September 6, 2007 10:20 AM

System.Humor.Ironic. You'll need to add a reference to see it. :)

Posted by: Scott on September 6, 2007 10:45 AM

I know you think that I'm a jerk
But Communism will not work.
Even when the proles prevail,
In the end, it always fails.

It will not work when you are bold.
It will not work when you have gold.
It will not work when you tell lies.
It will not work when you kill spies.

It will not help to call it free,
or even a democracy.
It just demands we sacrifice,
and gives back only bad advice.

It won't work with big parades,
Nor with modern armed brigades.
It won't work with money stats.
It won't work with funny hats.

It won't work for common folk.
All their dreams go up in smoke.
No Communist can truly say,
"I'll be rich one of these days!"

It won't work for soldiers too,
Though they get paid more than they're due.
The laws they'll lethally enforce,
Till no one's left to pay, of course.

The leaders live like petty kings,
And make huge laws for tiny things.
Every law must be obeyed,
Even laws yet to be made.

It still won't work for leaders though,
For laws can't reach where troops don't go.
And once their wealth is spent and gone,
The leaders fall to soldiers' brawn.

It's Communism's greatest curse:
Their promises all get reversed.
This simple rule should not surprise,
For perfect worlds are built on lies.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on September 6, 2007 05:38 PM
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