August 30, 2005
Big Pig

He's gonna need a bigger smokehouse:

Hunter Wayne Haldane has caught what is thought to be one of the biggest ferals in Queensland near his home in Kennedy, north of Cardwell.

The boar weighed 270kg and the only scales that could hold it were electronic ones used to weigh cattle.

Most feral pigs, which hide in sugar cane, weigh 60kg-150kg.

Even at the smaller size, feral pigs are dangerous. They were a leading cause of childhood death in pre-industrial Europe, and even domestic ones need to be treated with healthy respect.

Posted by scott at August 30, 2005 08:29 AM

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I don't quite believe it. The photo looks like a very basic camera trick; the pig looks closer to the camera than the two men "flanking" it. I would believe it if one of the men had a hand on the pig. The lack of an official record is also telling.

Posted by: Sarah G. on August 30, 2005 09:41 AM

Oooh, Pig Sooie!

Posted by: Pat on August 30, 2005 12:40 PM

I had a Senior Moment - "Wooooo Pig Soooie" is the proper spelling. lol

Posted by: Pat on September 1, 2005 12:26 AM

does anyone still have a copy of this article? or have details on wayne haldane?

Posted by: pamela on February 28, 2012 08:45 PM
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