August 02, 2005
Maybe They Should Re-name it "PC BBC"

Bias? Here? At the BBC? Say it ain't so!:

Following on from much disparaging blogosphere comment (for instance Stephen Pollard, Clive Davis, Harry's Place, etc.) about the dreadfully biased studio audience selected to appear on last week's BBC news special, Questions of Security (surely Questions of Terrorism?), the BBC has admitted that "there was a deliberately disproportionate number of Muslims in [the] studio audience". Truly astonishing.

'Disproportionate' hardly begins to describe the situation - according to the BBC, "around 15% of the audience" was Muslim, "as opposed to 2.7% of the country as a whole" - in other words, Muslims were more than five times over-represented. Judging from the aggressive self-righteousness of so many of the apparent Muslims among the questioners, they weren't even representative of British Muslims as a whole.

Even our network newsies didn't have balls this big a month after 9-11. Then again, they didn't have the advantage of gauranteed government finance either. Lordy I do so love socialism.

Posted by scott at August 02, 2005 03:37 PM

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