March 23, 2005
Ok, Now We're Living in Cartoon Science Fiction

Joshua gets a precise but annoying no-prize for bringing us the ultimate in robotic timepieces:

Scientists at MIT's Media Lab in the United States have invented an alarm clock called Clocky to make even the doziest sleepers, who repeatedly hit the snooze button, leap out of bed.

After the snooze button is pressed, the clock, which is equipped with a set of wheels, rolls off the table to another part of the room.

Well, actually, in our house it would roll off the table into another room, where it would be mugged by a 2'11" monster who would hug it, kiss it, squeeze it, say "bah-CHA! badeebedabeeboo CHA!" to it, try to stuff cheese balls into it, then leave it wheels-up in the middle of the floor.

Some scientists say stairs are the greatest impediment to household robots. These people do not have children. If they did, they would realize the real danger to any small complex object is toddlers.

Posted by scott at March 23, 2005 11:53 AM

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