January 23, 2005
A Bar, for the Rest of Us

Liz gets a self-propelled no-prize for bringing us the BarMobile:

BARMOBILE is a mobile non-profit bar that enables persons to establish a bar in local situations, have a drink, meet, listen to music, etc., in any place they find suitable. It can be carried, mounted on a cart, in a car, on a bicycle trailer, or be transported in other ways.

If I'm dragging this thing behind my bike I think people will be griping a lot less about how slow I am. A baby trailer just doesn't have the same sort of cachet, don't ya know.

Posted by scott at January 23, 2005 09:24 PM

eMail this entry!

Strange indeed. I tried to comment on the previous post and got an error "Invalid entry ID '6273'".

In addition, your link on that entry is bad. The correct link is:

I rather like that catowl at the very top, myself. (What I originally intended to say...).

Posted by: Kathy K on January 23, 2005 09:50 PM

Scott - if you're dragging this behind your bike, you'll get my respect. However, I'm not sure you can drag a car from a bike...

Posted by: ron on January 23, 2005 10:00 PM

Ron, go visit Asia (SE or China) for a few weeks. Then come back and tell us what you can't drag behind a bike (motorized or foot-pedal). I wouldn't be the least surprised, were I over there, to see someone pedaling by on a bicycle trailing a mobile home.

Posted by: Kathy K on January 23, 2005 10:04 PM

Kathy - I agree with you, highly-motivated people can do all sorts of things and rickshaw drivers and the like are very motivated. However, this comment was for Scott. I've ridden with him before and just felt the urge to give him a bit of crap...

Posted by: Ron on January 24, 2005 05:54 AM
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