January 12, 2005
War Composition

The photographers in the audience (you know who you are) will hopefully appreciate this Instapundit-linked photoblog of scenes from Iraq. Includes some very nicely composed shots.

I envy people who can do this well. If compliments are to be believed, I'm a good "action" photographer... I can catch those instant moments, especially (for some reason) involving vehicles. But introspection, careful composition, even those little surprises, they seem to be beyond me.

Ah well. I'll leave the artsy stuff for Joshua and Ellen. I'll be the one snapping pictures at the airshow.

Which reminds me... local peanut gallery members should consider this their first notice. The Thunderbirds will be at Andrews this year, May 21st and 22nd. Since I know none of you have been to the open house, and most of you are airplane and/or powerful vehicle nuts, attendance will be both expected and required. You have been warned. ;)

Posted by scott at January 12, 2005 06:07 PM

eMail this entry!

and I can get on the base without any special notice, so I guess I'll be there as well...

Posted by: ron on January 12, 2005 06:58 PM
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