November 18, 2004
A Little More Perspective

As always, there are two sides to every coin, an no picture is ever what it seems:

A young Marine and his fire team cautiously enter a room just recently filled with insurgents armed with AK-47's and RPG's. There are three dead, another wailing in pain. The insugent can be heard saying, "Mister, mister! Diktoor, diktoor(doctor)!" He is badly wounded. Suddenly, he pulls from under his bloody clothes a grenade, without the pin.

Urban warfare against fanatics is probably the most violent, personal, and vile form of warfare in existence. From Okinawa to Hue to Fallujah and more, history has proven time and again there's just no such thing as a "harmless" wounded enemy in an urban campaign. Keep this in mind the next time someone around you insists the proper "first step" is to "inspect people for potential threats, period."

Posted by scott at November 18, 2004 10:47 AM

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