October 08, 2004
For Art, There is no Proper Spelling

Ron gets a no-prize with his named spelled wrong on it for bringing us this story of an art project gone wrong:

Livermore, a California city that prides itself as a center of advanced science, is spending thousands of dollars to correct many misspelled names on a city library mosaic, including that of Albert Einstein, a city official said Thursday.

Even better is the artist's reaction:

Maria Alquilar, the Miami artist who made the mosaic, said the errors would have been discovered sooner had city officials inspected the mosaic closely before its installation as she had requested.

No you dumb twit, the errors wouldn't have happened at all if you'd proofread your notes. Personal responsibility must be something that happens to other people in your world.

Posted by scott at October 08, 2004 08:04 AM

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