September 23, 2004
Smacking Him Around

Silflay linked up this Mark Steyn essay that does a nice job of summarizing some of the reasons to vote against Kerry (to compliment those who have a laundry list of reasons to vote against Bush). Also includes some good one-liners:

“But if George W Bush’s Republican smear machine wants to make our service in Vietnam an issue, I say to them: BRING. IT. ON!”

“But they have brought it on.”

“Well, if they want to continue bringing it on, I say to them: BRING. IT. ON!”

“But your campaign has put out an ad that President Bush call it off.”

“Well, if he wants to make an issue of my begging him to call it off, I say to him: BRING. IT. ON.”

The day ends with the Senator throwing the first pitch at the Red Sox game. It lands on his red sock and breaks his toe, resulting in him taking two weeks off for surgery, in the course of which his numbers go up four points.

Why did John Kerry cross the road? “I crossed the road to volunteer for Vietnam. Some of us know something about what it means to cross the road.” Who was that lady I saw you with last night? “That was no lady, that was my meal ticket.” How many John Kerrys does it take to change a lightbulb? At least four. One to approve the removal of the old lightbulb. One to declare his courageous commitment to replacing the old bulb. One to vote against funding the new lightbulb. And one to denounce George W Bush and America’s Benedict Arnold CEOs for leaving everyone in the dark.


Posted by scott at September 23, 2004 12:25 PM

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definitely amusing. it seems that Happy the Author does a whole hell of lot more research than I ever will - and he's funny to boot.

Everyone for BUSH!

Posted by: ron on September 23, 2004 01:24 PM
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