September 17, 2004
Game Time!

A little something for a slow Friday: Blox Forever, yet another one of those "easy to learn, hard to master" puzzle games that drive me insane. Puzzles are not my friend! But they are Ellen's... I'll bet she spends an hour obsessing over this tonight.

Stuck at level 8, but not for long... oh, no, not for long... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH...

Posted by scott at September 17, 2004 10:13 AM

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Wouldn't you know it!!!!
I get to level 10 and they want you to down load the game. UGH!
9 levels took me about 15 minutes.
So, I'm good at it; order, set solutions, writing programs, that's what I do.
Just don't ask me to write a paper about my findings.

Posted by: Cindy on September 18, 2004 12:42 AM
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