September 15, 2004
Oh Dear

I mean, the review for Dead Alive says it all:

Lionel and Paquita are falling in love when his mother is bitten by a "rat monkey" at the zoo. Vera soon succumbs to the beast's poison and transforms into a zombie, killing her nurse and a few others while driving her son crazy. Lionel is unable to kill his undead mother or her victims, since people killed by zombies become zombies, so he keeps them drugged and locked in the basement.

A catholic priest enters the picture at some point. I think.

I can't remember if Joshua's talked about this one before or not. Something tells me I just stumbled onto another "surreal movie night" pick.

Posted by scott at September 15, 2004 11:32 AM

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oh dear goddess no. that might even be worse than Gor.

Posted by: ron on September 15, 2004 02:57 PM

The scary thing is, I think you might be right.

Posted by: scott on September 15, 2004 03:02 PM

That is a great movie!

Of course I am using the term great to imply has all the makings for a cult following. A bad horror movie that you can't help but watch and love.

Out of all the genres out there the horror genre has the largest pile of these horrible yet highly entertaining films, second only to Sci-Fi.

Yeah, I have seen this one a few times. I don't remember if I have mentioned this one in our talks or not. Yup a great classic.

Just wait, I already have my movie picked out for our next gathering.

Posted by: Joshua on September 15, 2004 04:33 PM

i'm not sure what worries me more - that Scott finds something that might be a match for Gor, or that you dismiss his finding as not good enough and that you've found worse...

Posted by: Ron on September 15, 2004 04:44 PM

worth noting that it was directed by Peter "LOTR" Jackson

Posted by: jayrtfm on September 15, 2004 11:03 PM
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