July 26, 2004
What's It Feel Like to Be Struck by Lightning, and How Can You Avoid It?

Experts believe lightning kills up to 100 Americans each year, and summer is the deadliest season, with up to 50,000 strikes each day in the United States.

"The last thing I remember was an extremely bright light which lit up everything around me," Pendergast said.

Survivors often complain about loss of memory and chronic pain in the part of the body where they were struck. Some health problems don't show up until weeks or even months later.

Read entire article here.

Posted by Ellen at July 26, 2004 02:39 PM

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to be struck by lightning is the worst thing to happen!!!!that'z what i think because we don't realize that the bolt shining above us is soo powerful.....its like saying hello to god!!1

Posted by: Wasser Firhoo on August 5, 2005 03:30 AM
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