July 10, 2004
Another Reason Why We Hate the French

Plastic swords confiscated by French customs Two-year-old twins had their dream Disneyland holiday ruined – when French airport customs officers swooped on them for carrying plastic swords.

The Luton girls, dressed in Peter Pan outfits, were making their way home through Charles de Gaulle airport when they were stopped for 'posing a security threat'.

Read entire article here

They must be mad cause they are going to lose the Tour De France AGAIN! .

Posted by Ellen at July 10, 2004 09:31 AM

eMail this entry!

And here I didn't think France had any victories in the war on terrorism. Put one in France's "win" column.

Posted by: Don on July 10, 2004 09:48 AM

Down with the French! We should cut giant canals on all of their land borders and then fence them in. Then, we can, free of charge, ship everyone back there that wants to go. Let them see how long they last as an isolated country...

Posted by: ron on July 10, 2004 12:53 PM

Yeah but this would have happened at a US airport too. I mean they wont let you carry tweezers or nail clippers on a plane, I sure they wouldnt let plastic swords on. I think its all a bit ridiculous.

Posted by: carrie on July 10, 2004 01:22 PM

Sacré Bleu, Jaques! C'est les Enfants Terrible! Ma foie!

Posted by: John Anderson on July 10, 2004 11:53 PM

The french suck monster balls and we should waste them all and take over their land. Man these guys suck monster balls.

Posted by: Graham on September 22, 2004 07:55 PM

I have 2 go 2 france on a skl trip! nooo!

Posted by: Max on January 20, 2005 02:08 PM

Personally, i think the french should be lined up against a wall and shot down one by one.

Posted by: french suck on April 28, 2005 12:25 PM


1)We (the U.K.) have saved them twice in wars and they take it for granted

2)They are very, very cocky n up their own bum

3)They use other states as gunnie pigs

4)You are not a proper British citizen if you dont hate the French

5)They are twats

6)They hate us so why shouldnt we hate them

7)The French President said yesterday that all we have given the C.A.P. (Common Agricultural Policy) is mad cows disease

8)We beat them at the Battle of Trefalgar

9)They said our food is crap

10)They are all Fucking Wankers

Posted by: Jordan Prendergast on July 5, 2005 07:06 AM
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