June 14, 2004
Dumbest Email Message of the Day

It started out predictably enough:

Dear Scott,

My name is [Mr. UK Spammer], and I'm the owner of [some limey company]. I wanted to let you know that I've just placed a link to amcgltd.com.

But as I scrolled down what to my wondering eyes did appear:

[This is just an example. You'll get much better results if you write your own messages. Tips can be found in the [spamware] beginner's guide. Select the beginner's guide in the [spamware] help menu.]

Ok, tip to all the rest of you erstewhile spammers... please be sure to at least delete the "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" boilerplate before you push the SEND button. Or don't. This was good for a chuckle, after all.

Posted by scott at June 14, 2004 04:26 PM

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