June 09, 2004
Can the "Marvel Comics Bible" be Far Behind?

At first, I thought Truth for Youth Ministries was another scam site, a "Landover for Teens" if you will. However, after reading a few of the comics (click any link on the left), I'm of the opinion it's probably real.

Notwithstanding the horribly corny dialogue and at times subtly racist themes, I must admit whoever designs the comics has the paradigm down flat. I wonder if the team behind them are actually professionals in the field somewhere?

Posted by scott at June 09, 2004 01:28 PM

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god is good all the time very nice site

Posted by: kim on April 3, 2005 02:17 PM

The comics are full of plot holes and are homophobic and ignorant. They need to keep in touch that it is the 21st century and not the 1st!

Posted by: KLM on October 5, 2005 12:51 AM
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