March 23, 2004
Slip Slidin' Away

Looks like Opportunity's a wee bit stuck for now:

The Opportunity rover slipped down a sandy uphill slope as it tried to leave the crater it has explored since landing on Mars nearly two months ago, mission scientists said.

When you read the article, it's doesn't seem as bad as the headline sounds... the little bugger has six wheel drive on ridiculously articulated legs. They'll have lots more chances to clamber out of their little hole in the ground.

Also, is reporting NASA gearing up for a "major announcement" at 2pm EST. Be sure to have the NASA channel on then!

Posted by scott at March 23, 2004 12:16 PM

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Looks like all is good now...

NASA's rover climbs out of martian crater

NASA's Mars rover Opportunity on Monday managed to climb up and out of the crater that it explored for nearly two months, overcoming a slippery slope that left the vehicle spinning its wheels during an earlier attempt.

Posted by: Joshua on March 23, 2004 12:56 PM
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