March 16, 2004
Turbines to Speed

Damion gets a donut-shaped no-prize for bringing us the G2IC turbo guide, a one-stop-shop for all questions regarding turbocharging a specific sort of Honda. Linked here because it also contains some good general information on turbochargers, as well as the implications of installing them into any street car motor.

Posted by scott at March 16, 2004 10:01 AM

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I don't suppose there are any "car geek" sites that focus on modding your car to increase fuel efficiency, rather than modding it to increase power output (and decrease fuel efficiency)? I think, in coming years, that's going to be where everyone will be looking, especially after the batteries in hybrid cars start to crap out and people realize they're really just burning two types of fuel at a higher expense than either would cost alone...

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on March 16, 2004 10:33 AM

Actually, in general modifications that improve power also tend to improve efficiency, inasmuch as efficiency also increases power. The reason cars in the 70s ran so poorly was that the government mandated three mutually exclusive goals: efficient fuel use, lower emissions, and increased safety.

There are some specialized places that tinker with increasing efficiency, mostly in university settings.

Posted by: scott on March 16, 2004 10:40 AM
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