March 07, 2004
But Will It Shoot Across the Screen?

Fark linked up this article describing the creation of a real "Legend of Zelda" sword. For $3300, you too can be the biggest gaming geek in your neighborhood. Funny thing is, I can think of at least three people I know (not me) who'd spend it if they had it.

Posted by scott at March 07, 2004 03:39 PM

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I want one

Posted by: richie on March 8, 2004 12:59 AM

Someone told me once that those were actually knives that the Master Sword kept stored in the hilt, which is why they were only fired when you swung the sword.

Doesn't explain the infinite supply, or why they were only fired when Link was uninjured... maybe the trigger mechanism was hard to hit when it got slippery with blood?

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on March 8, 2004 04:12 AM
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