January 25, 2004
International Conservatism

While reading Meryl's latest look at what the UN is really about, I found a superb distillation of my own attitudes toward multiculturalism, foreign policy, and the UN:

I used to be a multiculturalist. I used to think the United Nations would lead the way to a united world, and someday, the Star Trek universe would be a reality, minus the miniskirts and the lame skintight uniforms, but with the communicators.

I no longer believe the United Nations can be impartial in any way. The [International Court of Justice] at the Hague is just an offshoot of the UN, and therefore as biased and malleable and corrupt as its parent.

Anyone who thinks the UN is anything more than an easy excuse for rich foreigners to shop 5th avenue on their government's dime isn't paying attention.
Posted by scott at January 25, 2004 02:05 PM

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but... the communicators & the "transporters"... c'mon, can't we still get those??? Please??? I always wanted to be "beamed" somewhere!

Posted by: Jim S on January 27, 2004 08:09 AM
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