January 05, 2004
Mythbusting, First-Amendment Style

Instapundit brings us this nice critique of conservative chicken-little-ism about "attacks on the first amendment":

[T]his loss of liberty stems from liberals' disdain for the text of the Constitution, and liberal judges' willingness to make law, instead of simply applying it. Soon we will lose the freedom of speech that Americans have long taken for granted.

That's the story I've been hearing from many of my conservative and libertarian correspondents. And it's just plain false.

Nina once showed me a site where you got to rate the one-minute efforts of various filmmakers' takes on Mr. Bush. The vast majority were, not surprisingly, virulently negative.

The irony of hundreds of erstewhile "indie" filmmakers bleating about their government's heavy-handed censorship and oppression, on a public forum, was not lost on either of us.

Posted by scott at January 05, 2004 07:26 PM

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