August 06, 2003
Baby Bumblebee Song

ME: "I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,"
(Cup hands together as if holding bee)

Scott looks at me singing to Olivia last night at the dinner table

Me: "I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Ouch! It stung me!"
(Shake hands as if just stung, child watches open-mouthed)

"IIIIIIII'm squishing up the baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,"
('Squish' bee between palms of hands, large eyes locked on every move)

"I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee,
Ooh! It's yucky!" (Open up hands to look at 'mess.' Baby throws arms around and coos)

Scott: "Thats sick! How could you do that to a poor defenseless baby bee! How cruel!"

Me: "It's just a song".

This entire time I'm trying not to laugh too hard at him.

Scott: "I mean, how horrible! A baby bee minding its own business playing outside and some kid grabs him and it gets upset and stings the kid and then it gets squashed? That's terrible!"

Me: "Since when are you worried about a baby bee?"

Scott: "I won't have my daughter capturing baby bees and squashing them for fun!"

The neat part is this song is so versatile, you can even get more gruesome with it. And I have, oh yes I have...

Posted by Ellen at August 06, 2003 09:45 AM

eMail this entry!

If Scott wasn't joking I think he needs a time out. Oh yes I do. lol

Posted by: Pat on August 6, 2003 03:22 PM

Scott needs to read some baby books instead of Alfa books, Sci Fi books, History books, or computer books.

Man, pick up Daddies for Dummies!

It's the tune, not the words. Sheez, and I thought you were better with words than that. Wait until you find out why you should do peek-a-boo.

Posted by: Cindy on August 9, 2003 11:32 PM

Love this song. It brings back memories of my 8 year old grand daughter when she was 3... I can close my eyes and see her singing at full volumn. Tell Scott to get a life, this song just shows adults how innocent the little ones are...

Posted by: julia on December 11, 2004 04:42 PM
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