June 09, 2003
Night of the Living Dead... Dolls?

Well, it appears our goth friends already know about the living dead dolls, so we all get to look amazed while they yawn a bit. However, I bet most of them didn't know this:

Living Dead Dolls has now entered it's fifth year as of April 2003. To start off the festivities we released series five in special silver coffins and closed casket dolls of each doll in series five done strictly in black and white.

Feh. They probably knew that too. Ah well...

Posted by scott at June 09, 2003 01:00 PM

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OH OH! I didnt know that! I love my living dead doll. I got her for xmas 2001!

Posted by: Carrie on June 10, 2003 04:48 PM
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