April 28, 2003
Bill Clinton, Warrior Prince

I'm almost certain mom won't see the humor in this one, but I sure did. My brother would start spouting about how "dubya" was managing to screw it up anyway. Sometimes it's lonely being conservative.

Posted by scott at April 28, 2003 02:55 PM

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You are absolutely right. I don't think it is funny. I have changed my mind about a lot of things concerning George the Younger, but not on what he is doing to the economy. Of course you can't blame him for everything as you can't blame Bill for everything.

Posted by: P at on April 28, 2003 03:29 PM

Don't blame Bush for the economy...it's not his fault a bunch of greedy baby-boomers thought they could get rich overnight buying pets.com stock with the baby's college fund.

The Clinton era was like an 8 year crystal meth binge. We were pumped up and feeling GOOD! Too bad it had to end. Now it's monday morning and Bush has to clean up a hell of a mess. Sorry if that means your breakfast is going to be a little late.

Posted by: Mumblix Grumph on April 29, 2003 08:44 AM
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