January 21, 2003
It Pays to do Research

This just says it all. $17,280 for an Alfa Spider just exactly like mine. Well, ok, not exactly, mine's not that nice, but it is quite nice. This gives me room to a) wrastle with the insurance company if anything awful ever happens to ours (they only made 700 of them, so this is a valuable datapoint) and b) make improvements without thinking I'm pouring money down a hole.

The Alfa spider guys have been moping a bit lately because an antique insurance company was quoted that these cars were junk because they made so many of them. [Nelson Voice]HA-ha![/Nelson Voice]

Update: Sorry Jeff, no '77 Trans-Ams. Closest they seem to have got was a brown 78, original owner, walked away for $11k and change.

Be quiet mom, go play with your bears. ;)

Posted by scott at January 21, 2003 06:08 PM

eMail this entry!

My bears are and have been vacuum packed away for over two years. You must remember I paid $6.50 for most of them and suddenly looked at the collection one day and said to myself "self what are you doing with those ugly little critters". LOL

Posted by: Pat on January 21, 2003 07:53 PM

How in the world do you wrastle with an insurance company. I don't think that is a word.

Posted by: Pat on January 21, 2003 07:55 PM

U seemed to not have hit the TA nerve yet.

Posted by: Cindy on January 22, 2003 11:58 PM
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