October 22, 2002
A Cogent Profile

Meryl Yourish linked up this very interesting profile of our shooter from someone who apparently did their master's thesis on the criminal behaivior of mass murderers and serial killers. Kinda long, but very interesting.

Posted by scott at October 22, 2002 03:00 PM

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Very interesting. Ann Rule writes books on true crime and wrote "The Stranger Beside Me"about Ted Bundy. She worked with Bundy on a suicide hot line in Seattle, Washington when he was just beginning his killings. I started reading about this genre in the early 60s with Capote's book "In Cold Blood" about the killing of four family memebers of the Clutter family in Kansas, then the books about the Sharon Tate murders in 1969. The people who committ this type of crime are fascinating. Especially Bundy who committed unknow numbers of murders.

Posted by: Pat on October 22, 2002 03:33 PM
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