August 09, 2002
Bands We Never Heard Of

I remember reading in the post months ago that "Croutching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was a big hit in the states but was a relative flop in China. Chinese criticised the movie as "too Asian". Well guess what? It's a cross-cultural thing, not just something specific to Americans liking things that are "too much" about some other culture.

That's what I like about foreign films & TV. Oh, not the weird French things where they just stare at each other in black and white for an hour and a half. I'm talking about things like Japanese Anime, Hong-Kong chop-sake movies, Italian comedies, Telenovelas, and British TV comedy. By stepping just a half-stride back you can get some entertaining and not-always-obvious insights into both cultures.

Posted by scott at August 09, 2002 10:54 AM

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